Okay so I uploaded 3 walls the other day, right? Well I left to go to a Baseball game, then when I got back the wallpapers had gone! I thought they may had been rejected (although there's no reason why that I could think of) but there was no Rejection email in my inbox. Once again I uploaded them and then once again they vanished, and no rejection email was to be found. I even uploaded a WinStyles theme but it went by okay, but for some reason these wallpapers just keep disapearing! Could anyone tell me why?

on Jul 09, 2003

Most likely they were rejected.  We used to send rejection letters but now that is no longer the standard becauase our moderators (who volunteer their time) kept receiving hate mail from authors because they were mad that their work was rejected.  So to help remove that burden from our moderators we do not require them to send rejection letters any more.  On occasion they will send a rejection letter but most of the time the do not.

Now instead, we send an acceptance letter.  When your since has been accepted an automated letter is emailed to you informing you that your upload has been accepted.

on Jul 09, 2003
I see. But I still don't understand why they were rejcted. I miss rejection emails curse those bad bad people who sent the hate mail. It was such a nice service.

My wallpapers were fine as far as I remember...
on Jul 09, 2003
You can always email Jafo and ask him. Jafo will reply to your email.

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on Jul 09, 2003
Thanks I'll do that
on Jul 09, 2003
Or you can email me.......... if your email is polite, we would both be glad to help.   

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